Joint pain can be truly annoying, especially when you're at your seclusion age and you just want to enjoy your life. It could have been your opportunity to relive your youth and dance freely as a teenager, but those joints of yours just wouldn't ride on. There's no use to being mad, it is, after all, inevitable. And when your joints can't carry on to go with the flow, then you yourself should just go with the flow. Just deal with that arthritis with a inevitable mind.
When you have arthritis, the connective tissue of the joints, called the cartilage, undergoes degeneration, thus, causing it to wear out. This tissue is responsible in retention the plane movement of the bones, and preventing the tendencies of them rubbing against each other. So, with the cartilage worn out, there is nothing to implement these preventive measures. As a result, a person with arthritis suffers from pain, stiff and inflamed joints.
Most coarse it may be, but arthritis isn't the only potential cause for experiencing joint pains. There are a lot more causes. Some are just mild like injuries and sprains, while there are some which, when left untreated, can finally lead to one's death.
Bursitis is another coarse cause of joint pain. It is sometimes belief of as arthritis because of some similarities in the symptoms, but if we look at the inner picture, that is where the big disagreement lie. While arthritis is caused by malfunctioning inside the joints, bursitis, on the other hand, has malfunctioning face of the joint, spirited the fluid-filled cavities that surround it which are known as bursa. For person who has bursitis, these cavities come to be inflamed, most ordinarily because of physical strain.
Another cause of joint pain is that of gout. This occurs when there is an excessive build up of uric acid surrounding the joint. The excess is brought about by the fact that the kidney is unable to get rid of the extra whole of uric acid. The legs and the feet area is ordinarily the target of the pain attacks as a consequence of the condition. Though it may be seen as a relatively small qoute by some, but it can absolutely be a trace of more serious condition problems that one could be suffering from, such as obesity, sickle-cell anemia, kidney problems and diabetes.
Another disease, this time, one that is most coarse among women than men, is the autoimmune disorder called lupus. This continuing disease causes inflammation of the organs, possibly the joints. In the Us, practically 90 % of recorded lupus patients are women. This disease causes destruction in the human body by confusing the immune system. It causes the antibodies to be produced in excess amounts, adequate to destroy not only the harmful cells, but the general cells too.
Joint pain, when accompanied by some alarming symptoms like red dots or rashes, high fever, colds, coughs etc., can be a cause of alarm. It might mean that the sick person is already suffering from an infection caused by virus. It could be rubella, influenza or other associated diseases.
It's all the time good to keep a close watch for occurrences of other potential symptoms and also to visit a doctor to avoid complications.
Diabetic Feet :Joint Pain Causes and finding a Remedy